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WordPerfect para Ambiente Linux

Colaboração: Rubens Queiroz de Almeida

Data de Publicação: 28 de Dezembro de 1998

A Corel está liberando gratuitamente para uso pessoal o seu aplicativo Corel WordPerfect. Estou anexando a esta mensagem a divulgação que recebi da Corel contendo maiores instruções.

  Subject: Corel® WordPerfect® 8 for Linux® is here!
     Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 17:47:59
       To: "Linux mail-out" <>
  Corel® WordPerfect® 8 for Linux® is here!
  Corel is pleased to announce that the Corel® WordPerfect® 8 for Linux®
  free download will be available tomorrow (Thursday, Dec. 17), exclusively
  from CNET at!
  When we started this project, we anticipated that there was a strong
  demand by the Linux community for powerful applications like Corel
  WordPerfect; the overwhelming response—over 60,000 Linux users 
  preregistered for the free download—reaffirms that belief.
  Available in six languages, the Download Edition is a fully functional
  version of the award-winning Corel WordPerfect 8 and includes online help,
  import/export filters and more. In addition, the Personal Edition of Corel
  WordPerfect 8 for Linux will be available in early 1999. This version
  includes all of the features of the Download Edition as well as many extras,
  including fonts, clipart, templates and more. A Server Edition for Linux
  and UNIX® will also be available in early 1999.
  Corel Computer's NetWinder™ Server and desktop solutions are fast,
  reliable and feature-rich and offer many potential benefits, including 
  increased productivity and cost savings. Visit,
  or call us toll-free at 1-877-282-6735 to find out how you can take advantage
  of NetWinder Power. Also remember to visit our Linux community site at for the latest information on these and other Corel
  product releases for Linux.
  Once again, thank you for your continued support! 
  The Linux Team

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