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Obtenção de informações sobre o sistema

Colaboração: Rubens Queiroz de Almeida

Data de Publicação: 23 de Julho de 1997

Um programa bastante útil é o programa sysinfo. Este programa gera um relatório contendo informações sobre os dispositivos de hardware existentes no equipamento (disco, memória real e virtual, mouse), data do último boot, e muito mais.

Várias plataformas são suportadas, entre elas, IBM/AIX, Sun/Solaris, SGI/IRIX.

O software encontra-se disponível em

Para fornecer uma idéia do tipo de informação gerada, eu estou incluindo abaixo um relatório gerado em uma máquina IBM RS6000, modelo powerpc.

  	General Information
  Host Name is             netway
  Host Address(es) is 
  Host ID is               8f6a1e0f
  Manufacturer is          IBM (International Business Machines Corporation)
  Main Memory is           32 MB
  Virtual Memory is        128 MB
  Number of CPUs is        1
  App Architecture is      power
  Kernel Architecture is   power
  OS Name is               AIX
  OS Version is            4.1
  Boot Time is             Sat Jul 12 12:09:18 1997
  	SysConf Information
  Max combined size of argv[] and envp[] is              24576
  Max processes allowed to any UID is                    40
  Clock ticks per second is                              100
  Max simultaneous groups per user is                    32
  Max open files per process is                          2000
  System memory page size is                             4096
  Job control supported is                               TRUE
  Savid ids (seteuid()) supported is                     TRUE
  POSIX.1 version supported is                           199009
  Max password length is                                 32
  Version number of OSF/AES OSC supported is             1
  Max number of register functions for atexit(2) is      2048
  Max ibase and obase allowed by bc(1) is                99
  Max number of elements in array by bc(1) is            2048
  Max scale factor allowed by bc(1) is                   99
  Max length of strings allowed by bc(1) is              2048
  Max parenthesis nesting level for expr(1) is           32
  Max bytes in an input line is                          2048
  Supports POSIX.2 C Language Development Utilities is   TRUE
  Supports POSIX.2 localedef utility is                  TRUE
  Supports POSIX.2 Software Development Utilities is     TRUE
  POSIX.2 version supported is                           199209
  Max repeated occurrences of RegExp in regcmp(3C) is    255
  Max stdio streams per process is                       2000
  Max bytes in TZ environment variable is                255
  X/Open Portability Guide version is                    4
  	Device Information
  sys0 is a System Object
      sysplanar0 is a System Planar
          ioplanar0 is a I/O Planar
              bus0 is a Microchannel Bus
                  sio0 is a Standard I/O Planar
                      fda0 is a Standard I/O Diskette Adapter
                          fd0 is a Diskette Drive
                      sioka0 is a Keyboard Adapter
                          kbd0 is a United States keyboard
                      sa0 is a Standard I/O Serial Port 1
                      sa1 is a Standard I/O Serial Port 2
                      scsi0 is a Standard SCSI I/O Controller
                          hdisk0 is a "IBM 0663L12" 1.0 GB SCSI Disk Drive
                          hdisk1 is a "DEC RZ26     (C) DEC" Other SCSI Disk Drive
                          rmt0 is a "EXABYTE IBM-8505" 5.0 GB 8mm Tape Drive
                      siota0 is a Tablet Adapter
                      sioma0 is a Mouse Adapter
                          mouse0 is a 3 button mouse
                      ppa0 is a Standard I/O Parallel Port Adapter
                      ent0 is a Integrated Ethernet Adapter
          proc0 is a Processor
          bbl0 is a "IBM97N" GXT150 Graphics Adapter
      sysunit0 is a System Unit
  lvdd is a LVM Device Driver
  lft0 is a Low Function Terminal Subsystem
  pty0 is a Asynchronous Pseudo-Terminal
  inet0 is a Internet Network Extension
      en0 is a Standard Ethernet Network Interface
      lo0 is a Loopback Network Interface
  rcm0 is a Rendering Context Manager Subsystem

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